When our fleet division gets a new vehicle, they spend a few days (or weeks) prepping it and getting it ready. They assign the vehicle number, hourly rate, and a bunch of other stuff. After they're done, our finance department needs to track this in their inventory. The current fleet maintenance software can generate a report, but it doesn't contain everything that finance needs, so, the current practice is:
- Enter the data into the fleet software
- Re-enter it into an old access database (which has a report that has all the info)
- Print off the report from Access
- Make 3 copies
- Interoffice them to Finance.
I've been tasked with coming up with a better solution. After a few minutes of deliberation, a trigger seemed like a logical solution. The trigger will just fire off an email to all the parties when a vehicle is added. No problemo.
Sending mail in SQL Server is nice and easy. Just use sp_send_dbmail and you're good to go. That is, along as you are using SQL 2005 or better. Back in the dark ages (SQL 2000 and 7.0), however, you didn't have sp_send_dbmail. Instead, you had xp_sendmail.
Now, you ask, what is the problem with xp_sendmail. A bunch, but here's the highlights :
- It's deprecated. I'm surprised it's still around in 2k8, but I bet it won’t be in the next version
- You need to run it as a db_owner or a sysadmin. Now, you can grant others permissions to it, but that means mucking with permissions in the master database and that's generally frowned upon.
- You can only send mail as the profile that's set up. This may not seem like a big deal, but I send out emails from the database and I want the recipients to be able to respond to different people based on the message. That means I'll have to set up a separate mail profile for each respondent.
Of course, the SQL Server development team saw these problems (and probably oodles more) and came up with sp_send_dbmail which addresses all of these
Now, since I’m using SQL 2000, I don’t have that option. After much googling, I was able to find xp_smtp_sendmail. The only issue was that most of the links were broken. So, I had to do a little more sleuthing and eventually found the right page in SQLDev.Net. After following their step by step instructions, I was able to send mail as the appropriate person and cut down about 10-15 hours of redundant work from the process.
Yay me.
Of course, we won’t mention that I forgot that the deleted table in a trigger is aptly named deleted and not updated. D’Oh